__._ __ _| _i \ _i_ \ \ ¯\\___ ________ /\ ___________________________ ...\___ // \..\ /_ \__ /__ /\... :::::\__ // \:/\ \/:/ /---// /\/ / /::: :::::::\// /\ \_ \/ // / / / /:::: ::::::::/_____\ /_____\_____/ \ / /\ / /::::: ::::::::\______\/______:_____\/ \/ / \/ /:::::: ________ _______/\______\/__ ________/\\/__/\\/___________ \___ // _____/ \_____ /:::_\ _____ ____ _____\ ____/\ ³ \__ // \ / \___/ /\::/ _/__/ /\/ /\_/ _/____/ \// / /\ \_/ \/ // / / / // /\ \_____/_____\ /_______\_____/ \ / /\ / /:\_____/ /__ __ __ \____\______\/\_______:_____\/:\/ /::\/ /:::\____\/ \/\ \/\ \/\ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::\/::::\/:::::::::: \/ \/ \/ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::(AnF!):: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: (a)MERICAN (s)TANDART (c)ODE oF (i)NFORMATION (i)NTERCHANGE Features the follow Subjects: - -÷---------------------------÷- - Information about this Production ......... The Ascii-Groups BBS's .................... The Group Acronyms ........................ The Artists with E-Mail ................... The Groups Releases ....................... The Artists Releases ...................... About Transporting Collections ............ Artists or Artist? ........................ About Delayed Ascii-Magazines ............. The Ascii-Gazette So Far .................. Do you wan't the Ascii-Gazette to live? ... About the new Group O.m.a. ................ The Groups of Today ....................... The Groups History ........................ All The Ascii-Artists ..................... Ascii-Artists who Joined .................. Ascii-Artists who Left .................... SceneLeaving Ascii-Artists ................ News/Rumours about Artists ................ The Handle-Changes ........................ The Questions that were Asked ............. The Interview 1: Dino/Ds! ................. The Interview 2: Nup/At! .................. The Interview 3: Relief/-T ................ The Interview 4: Vietcong/Ds! ............. Last Words ................................ ____________ / /___________ / / / ___ _\ __/ __/ (___) ________ ____/ ____ \ _____ \ ____ ___ ________ _) _ / _) / _) /_/____\__ \_/ _____) /___/ \__) ____/ / /___/_/ /_____/ / / ____/_/ / / / / __/___ /_ / ___ / ___ / ___ / ___ ___ / / ___ / / \______/ \______/ \______/ \______/ \/ \__________/ \______/sYz /___________/ / /___________/ (a)MERICAN (s)TANDART (c)ODE oF (i)NFORMATION (i)NTERCHANGE What wasn't supposed to be produced got to your hungry computer anyway! This is the third time the Ascii-Gazette is released, and that is something that I'd really not have believed when I tired released the first issue. Why then? Well, the other ascii-projects hasn't been that very active, and I kept on updating my old Issue2-lists, so I couldn't just sit there with the new infos, without giving them to the public. And as I got so many new artist-interviews did I just had to include them too. So, as it looks now has the Gazette been out in three issues, the first one the 12/12, the second one the 21/O1, and this one was released the 25/O2. And though I never thought so am I back again, and now I could, with proud, continue to call this a 'real' Gazette, as it has been released more than one issue! The Gazette won't be exactly the same in this issue though. The ascii-subject is running out of things to explain, so this issue will more be a updated list and fact-magazine. Not so many informative headlines, but if you wonder anything I refer to Issue 1 and 2 where EVERYTHING you might wonder is declared. I still do the Ascii-Gazette for the same reasons as always. I have again produced a the ascii-magazine with all the Ascii-News, Facts and Lists. This Issue has got the same layout and design as number 2. That was because I didn't had the motivation nor time to draw more Iff's. I quitted that part a long time ago and don't feel like bringing it up again. As you have noticed aint my Iff's that good either, that's perhaps why. Hope you don't mind that I didn't started my DPaint this time, but I don't think so, as many of the Gazette's readers mostly look in the .Txt-edition. Since we have a scene out there with about 470 more or less active Ascii-artists (11 new since last issue the 21/O1'96), and a lot larger crowd with fans and supporters of the Ascii, I thought that it was time to define this subject, and bring you all a hopefully quite true story about what really went on during these years when it all happened. Here you could read about almost EVERYTHING that has something to do with Ascii. As someone told me, this aint a Gazette, it's a Dictionary for the Artist of Today! Do click your way through lists over the active artists of today and see who joined which group the latests days. Now with this new issue it all is a bit updated too, so hopefully even more entertaining this time! This is, and will always be really stunning experience, thats for sure. Special subjects for this issue are (together with many others) E-Mail, Boards, Release-Lists, and many explenations about what really happened to the groups that dissapeared. This production is absolutly not only for the ones involved in this wonderful scene. Quite the contrary, since most of the teaching parts of Ascii-Gazette are formed to get everones attention. A Beginners Guide, as well as the Professionals Dictionary! Do also notice that the Text-version of the Ascii Gazette aint exactly the same as the Executable version. So don't forget to check both of them. How to read the executable version? Well, use your keyboard, or the arrows in the menu. First Page ^ Previous Page < · > Next Page v Last Page And the following buttons are used for: Menu: Got back to the Menu Note: Switch on/off the Music Exit: Exit Ascii-Gazette Search: Go to the requested Page I used a program called 'Magnum' to put together this production. Magnum is a program that I got without a doc, and since there aint no © info in the code of it, I could only thank the author, whoever it may be. About the comments that came when people discovered that I used this program, I have to say: I'm a very demanding person, I like to do things, I like to do them correct, and quite effective. I couldn't impossibly finish this project and the have to wait 5 mounths for a coder to make a special coded version of the Ascii-Gazette. That's why I choose the easy and simple way, using a program that some would call 'lame' like this one. But, I'm terribly sorry if this is the way you feel about it, but in that case don't even bother to execute the porgram, read the text-version of the Gazette instead. When I found this program I saw it as the best alternative, and though I probably shouldn't have done the same thing today, I'm not THAT disappointed with what it does. Think again, do you really dissaprove it THAT much? It's quite descrete and displays the ascii fast and easy, and it's really simple for me to use when I make the Gazette, so I can't say I concider it as THAT lame. I'd like to appoligize for my english grammar that probably is terrible bad at a couple of places, and for my lousy Iff that I used in the intro pictures and in the menu. Otherwise, the credits for this production would be like this; Facts and Text by: [ Xcluziwe / Sos ] Iff-Pictures by: [ Xcluziwe / Sos ] [ WGJR / Eup ] Module by: [ Unknown Maestro ] Additional Facts: [ Fatal / E^d ] [ Cesium / Session ] [ Lord / Absolute ] [ Princip / Qtx ] Xcluziwe logo: [ Stylez / C! ] And other artists in the different parts. Most of them credited at next to their logo. Anyone forgotten? Hope not, sorry, in case! And please! DO NOT forget that also the Menu-Pages are two, so you could push the [>]-arrow there too, to list the second page of the menu. If you must/like to get in touch with me, do reach me at most of Swedens major Elite-Bbs's, or at the very exclusive Ascii-Gazette Contact Head- Quarter, Fatal's very recently opened board, Another Step. The Number is +46-21-330975, and do visit it, as it's swedens first 100% Ascii-Board, and this is where you find all the swedish artists. And with this issue I defintly end the Gazette written by me anyway. I don't know if I the future will get insperation back to start releasing it again, but I won't updating my status-files as I use to do anyhow. That I did so was the only reason that you're reading this third Gazette now. I didn't like the idea of sitting here with all the updated facts that I'd discovered without releasing them. So, here you are, all the facts that are valid until release date of this production. But as I resign, I'd like to give an offer to all you readers out there. If you really like this Ascii-magazine, and wouldn't like to see it vanish, you're welcome to take the duty as the new editor. This could ONLY be done with my approvement, and therefor you will have to contact me first. It ain't that hard to produce the Ascii-Gazette, if you start with the already made earlier issues. Just update the status-files every time you see and read a new collection and store the collections that you download in a seperate directory and you'll soon have the next issue of the Gazette. And of cause is it only to ask me if you wonder anything. Before you contact me though, remember that I would not like to see the leadership of the Gazette taken by a Group. It should be one or more private artists (I guess artists are the best Ascii-editors, or?) who won't release the Ascii-Gazette under any special lables. But don't hesitate to contact me now, it would be wonderful if the Gazette could live on for a while. Hope you'll enjoy this, and perhaps even learn a bit? And to all the facts that may not be true, I'd really like to correct them, get in touch with me for updates, so that the next (if there ever will be any?) issue will bring the very correct facts. / Signed the Editor, Xcluziwe · xCz Last update made some minutes before release, 03h50m Am the 25/02 - 1996. Ascii-Group HeadQuarters - -÷------------------------÷- - Here they are, all the boards that have been more or less involved with all the ascii-crews through the years. Boards mentioned with ( ) are not hq's, only boards where you could meet users from the groups. And the sign - declares that I really don't know who the sysop is or if that group really had any own headquarters. Arclite Death Row - Whq - Shadower Spirit Of Soul - Ehq - Mario White Room - Shq - Sy-Klone Endless Pain - Ghq - Mogue Final Impact - Shq - U-Man Ascii Norge (Most Wanted) - - - Arcane Art Beta Blocker - Whq - Red Skin Arte Endless Pain - Ehq - Mogue ArtCore Spirit Of Soul - Whq - Mario HomeLess - Ehq - Slime RaveLand - Ghq - H2o PunishMent Inc. - Dist - Siegel Dial Hard - Swhq - Fury No Vegetables - Dhq - Jake Final Impact - Shq - U-Man MidNite - Ozhq - Count Zero SkyTower - Dhq - Enzo SeaQuest Dsv - Lehq - 2Fast Assault TranceLand - Whq - Ångest 5:Th Dimension - Shq - - Atre The Slammer - Whq - Distler Azkiness Dixie - Whq - Wild Thing Mamba - Phq - Easy Rider Drop Zone - Dist - Norby Hilight - Dist - Dmg Contra Raveland - Whq - H2o Deep Space Nine - Ehq - Sisko Homeless - Ghq - Slime Punishment Inc - GDst - Siegel The Pub - GDst - Flite Castle of Illusion Sporadic Line - Ihq - - Sleezy Bbs - Ukhq - - Pet Semetary - Ehq - Kid Curry Ravers Paradise - Ghq - - Starglider - Ghq - - Caustic Style The Pub - Whq - Flite Mostly Harmless - Ehq - Zaphod Planet Love - Eghq - Mephisto Back Fire - Dhq - Satans Fire Legacy Of Distr. - Brhq - Ayres Traders Assault - Dist - Starlight RaveLand - Dist - H2o Evil Moon - Dist - Clyde R God's Harem - Qhq - Lance Planet Love - Eghq - Mephisto Back Fire - Dhq - Satans Fire Legacy Of Distr. - Brhq - Ayres Traders Assault - Dist - Starlight RaveLand - Ghq - H2o Da Hood - - - Destiny Dyers Eye - Whq - Clone Dezign Ice Cream - Whq - Paso Point Blank - Ushq - Dalai Lama The Addiction - Ushq - SchwabenPower The Mansion - Ukhq - LineBacker NeuroBashing - Shq - Rhys Human Target - Shq - Xstaz Sheep City - Ghq - Desert Extreme Overload - Shq - Sniffet Digital Grafitti Planet Love - Whq - Mephisto Terra Firma - Ozhq - Psyche Genetic Waste - Nhq - Magz Violator - Shq - Violator Divine Stylers InterChange - Whq - Princip Wild Palms - Dhq - Radavi One Eight Seven - Dhq - WhirlWind ClubLand - Mehq - Trivial SwitchBack - Shq - Rickz Southern Comfort - Ozhq - 243 Virtual Theathre - Ghq - Ramirez DreamPhase (Under Cover) - - - Demax Dzain Intoxication - Whq - Fuzz No Escape - Lehq - Xcluziwe Epsilon Design Another Step - Whq - Fatal RaveLand - Ghq - H2o Zillion Hours - Fhq - Traitor Fire & Ice Paranoia - Whq - Link Endless Pain - Ghq - Mogue G^Style BoonDocks - Whq - SalOne Coast Link - Ehq - Danzig Melancholic Thgt - Dist - Liberator RaveLand - Ghq - H2o Grotesticle Genetic Waste - Whq - Magz Basic Instinct - Ehq - Acid CheckPoint - Schq - Kingpin Zillion Hours - Fhq - Traitor Artic Circle - Hq - Nup BumbleBeeLand - Hq - Baffle Nausea - Hq - MicFlair Head (Homeless) - - - Slime Honey Ascii Div The Slammer - Whq - Distler House of Style The Undiscovered - Whq - Muad'ib One Eight Seven - Dhq - WhirlWind Chronicle - Dhq - Axeblade Inferno Grafitti Sub Continent - Whq - Mute Jedi Arts Propaganda - Whq - Ranx Zillions Hours - Fhq - Traitor Terror Temple - Fhq - Hooligan Lingo Rotterdam Subway - Whq - Cola Gabber House - Ehq - Calvin Middle East - Nhq - Goblin Imperial Waste - Nhq - Flesh Stage Dive - Shq - Nurgle Dystophia - Shq - Stash MegaStyle Genetic Waste - Whq - Magz Mo'Soul (Final Impact) - - - U-Man OffSpring Digital Candy - Whq - Bybrid BoonDocks - Ehq - SalOne FlashBack - Shq - Twister Electronic Cnfs. - Dhq - Webster Zillion Hours - Fhq - Traitor RaveLand - Ghq - H2o O.m.a. (Homeless) - - - Slime Pioneer Design X-Site - Whq - Kidnix No Impulse - Ehq - Rayban Citydump - Shq - Xtc ProArts Bermuda Triangle - Whq - Quartz BonnDocks - Ehq - SalOne InterChange - Schq - Princip LamerLand - Hq - Zombie Protest Apocalypse Now - Whq - StyleWars Tower Of Souls - Lehq - GraveDancer Black Opium - Ushq - Evilive Cosmic Circus - Ehq - Generation Final Impact - Schq - U-Man Save Our Souls Intoxication - Whq - Fuzz SixCrew Digital Undergr. - Whq - Stezotehic Style Bermuda Triangle - Whq - Quartz Fear Factory - Fhq - Zeus Electron Conf. - Dhq - Webster Twisted BoonDocks - Whq - SalOne Electronic Con. - Dist - Webster Digital Candy - Ehq - Hybrid 13'th Hour - Dist - Ace RaveLand - Ghq - H2o Tz Design (FlashBack) - - - Twister (Dial Hard) - - - Fury Unique Arts Skyline (down) - Whq - Recall United Ascii Artists (Conscius Dream) - - - Josh'Ua (Fragile Bits) - - - Nigle Unreal House of Pain - Whq - - The Ghetto - Ushq - Rip&Andeveron FatherLand - Ghq - Skin UpperClass The Addiction - Whq - Amblin Pirates Haven - Ushq - Nitro SplatterHouse - Ukhq - Splatter Strange Land - Ihq - MetalBasher Bloody Decision - Ghq - Mazza Whale Final Impact - Whq - U-Man Midnite - Ozhq - Count Zero Arctic Circle - Sfhq - Nup Extreme Overload - Dist - Sniffet Wild Style Tsar1+4751575737 - Priv - Tsar1 Group Acronyms - -÷--------------÷- - These are the acronyms the groups in the ascii scene uses mostly, some groups acronyms varies, but these are the most common ones; Arclite AL al-abcde.txt Ascii Norge ASN asn-abcd.txt Art ART art-abcd.txt Arte ARTE! arte!-ab.txt ArtCore AC! ac!-abcd.txt Assault AST ast-abcd.txt Atre AT! at!-abcd.txt Azkiness AZK azk-abcd.txt Contra C! c!-abcde.txt Castle of Illusion COI coi-abcd.txt Caustic Design CS! cs!-abcd.txt Da Hood - abcdefgh.txt Destiny DSY dsy-abcd.txt Dezign DZN dzn-abcd.txt Digital Grafitti DG! dg!-abcd.txt Divine Stylers DS! ds!-abcd.txt DreamPhase DP dp-abcde.txt Dzain [D] [d]-abcd.txt Epsilon Design E^D e^d-abcd.txt Fire & Ice F^I f^i-abcd.txt G^Style G^S g^s-abcd.txt GroTesticle GRT grt-abcd.txt Head H! h!-abcde.txt Honey Ascii Div HNY hny-abcd.txt House of Style HOS hos-abcd.txt Inferno Grafitti IG ig-abcde.txt Jedi Arts J^A j^a-abcd.txt Lingo LNG lng-abcd.txt MegaStyle MGS mgs-abcd.txt Mo'Soul M'S m's-abcd.txt OffSpring OS! os!-abcd.txt Org. of M.H. Ascii-Artists OMA oma-abcd.txt Pioneer Design P^D p^d-abcd.txt ProArts P^A p^a-abcd.txt Protest P! p!-abcde.txt Save Our Souls SOS sos-abcd.txt SixCrew 6C! 6c!-abcd.txt Style SE se-abcde.txt Twisted -T -t-abcde.txt Tz Design TZD tzd-abcd.txt Unique Arts -U! -u!abcde.txt United Ascii Artists UAA uaa-abcd.txt Unreal UNR unr-abcd.txt UpperClass UC uc-abcde.txt Whale WL! wl!-abcd.txt Wild Style W^S w^s-abcd.txt Some groups are known under more than one acronym, when they use other ones in collections or in the filename, groups who could be spotted with other acronyms are; Arclite AL! Contra (! Digital Grafitti DG Dzain DZAIN Epsilon Design ED Jedi Arts JA Twisted -T! Artists with E-Mail-adresses - -÷--------------------------÷- Theese are the artists who have been smart enough to get their own e-mail- adresses, and are available on different amiga channels on the IRC etc. Lots of updates made on this list. It's truly great to see that contact over the borders won't have to be as hard as it used to be. The net is good for us. Go get it you too. Many thanks to Cesium/Session and Lord/Absolute who made the original E-mail lists where I found some of these artists. Sorry that my own adress aint there, but I share it with a friend of mine, so it's kind of hard for me to rechieve letters that way, but why not try to catch me on the IRC on any #Ami* -channel. Always as xCz or xClUZiWe. Artist Group E-Mail Adress ------ ----- ------------- Acid - Grotesticle acid@norconnect.no Boheme - Independent asjohans@helsinki.fi Case - CnCd - ex-Pro Arts mphuhtam@kruuna.helsinki.fi Data - Protest gpopp@schweinfurt.netsurf.de Daytona - Independent daytona@bns.com.au Der Hm/Dhm - ex-Arclite msaline@vipunen.hut.fi complex@hut.fi Drastic - Unique Arts d95jonka@ostrabo.uddevalla.se Exocet - Arclite exocet@skynet.wwbnet.de Flite - Caustic Style fli7e@liteline.mcnet.de GraveDancer - Protest gravedancer@laybrint.rhein.de Hijack - Arclite rt3097@bessel.tutech.fi Infusion - Independent inf@galeb.etf.bg.ac.yu Jedi - ex-Offspring hanspet@oslonett.no Karma - Arclite niklas.isaxon@mandarin.pp.se Kryptonite - Independent krave@ihug.co.nz Mazza - Art maz@bdec.ruhr.de Misfit - Whale chj@augs.se Orlingo - Divine Stylers orlingo@trans.xs4all.nl Psycho - Independent psycho@syscon.co.at Red Devil - Dezign rob@edensoft.demon.co.uk Reflex - Jedi Arts reflex@megabaud.fi Relief - Twisted relief@dk-online.dk Slab - Save Our Souls secret@oden.se SpeedDevil - Independent mortenm@sandsli.vgs.no Sy-Klone - Arclite dn@academy.bastad.se Tango - Twisted tango@trigati.demon.co.uk Treach - Contra 100275.3710@compuserve.com U-Man - Arclite u-man@kd.qd.se Vietcong - Divine Stylers tobias-l@dsv.su.se Wowbagger - Wild Style tbk@oslonett.no Xcluziwe - Save Our Souls secret@oden.se Wowbagger could also be found on hiw own HomePage, just go to; http://www.oslonett.no/home/~tbk And the group Twisted have their own HomePage at; http://www.twisted.com And the group Art could be found at their adress at; art-prod@bdec.ruhr.de And the group Divine Stylers could be found at; ds_recz@algonet.se, ds!@exmandato.se, divine@algonet.se, d_stylers@swexs.se Please help me to make this list complete. Because there must be more artists out there with their very own adresses? Right? All the Releases - -÷----------------÷- - A pretty common answer to the question if a artist reads all the coll- ections that are released is probably 'No there are way to many to notice them all'. Here have I tried to complish a list of all collections that came to Sweden (and that ought to be atleast about 97%) during the period since the latest Ascii Gazette. And how many are they then? The second Gazette was released the 21/O1 -1996. Well, the ones I've stored on my harddrive are only 82 collections. That is almost half as many as in the latest issue. And the time-difference is almost identical. That proves that X-Mas is a very productive period, and that perhaps the amount of 'My first Collection'-releases are reducing. And the last update was as usual made just some hour before this Gazette was released. Note that Jedi Arts won't use their abbrevation Ja!- on all of their collections, so that there are more on different places, and that Arclite releases from ShapeChanger are named with Sc_ instead of Al- as it uses to be. Also C-Real uses another Group-abbrevation at one place. Name Group Collections ---- ----- ----------- [ -Dk!Stnd.Txt ] [ -T-Bldn.Txt ] - Twisted - 5 [ -T-Civm2.Txt ] [ -T-Order.Txt ] [ -T-Tatfd.Txt ] [ -T-Toxic.Txt ] [ -U!Grud!.Txt ] [ -U!Sexma.Txt ] - Unique Arts - 2 [ 303-Isa.Txt ] [ Al-Cozy.Txt ] - Arclite - 4 [ Al-Oe!.Txt ] [ Asn-Coll.Txt ] - Ascii Norge - 1 [ At!-Gzno.Txt ] - Atre - 2 [ At!-Pich.Txt ] [ Ata-Pa!n.Txt ] [ Ata-Pna.Txt ] [ Azk-Burs.Txt ] - Azkiness - 5 [ Azk-Doow.Txt ] [ Azk-Fut.Txt ] [ Azk-Iluv.Txt ] [ Azk-Kree.Txt ] [ Bob-Saft.Txt ] [ By!-Fuck.Txt ] [ By!-Syst.Txt ] [ Cax-Time.Txt ] [ Cli-Cley.Txt ] [ Crs-N!Ap.Txt ] [ Cs!-Botd.Txt ] - Caustic Style - 1 [ Dev-Rats.Txt ] [ Ds!-Alla.Txt ] - Divine Stylers - 2 [ Ds!-Koth.Txt ] [ Dtx-Pl&H.Txt ] [ Dw!-Losn.Txt ] [ Elt-Wtfc.Txt ] - Pioneer Design - 5 [ E^d-Mjau.Txt ] - Epsilon Design - 2 [ E^d-Tnd.Txt ] [ Fns-Sm.Txt ] [ H!-Lma.Txt ] - Head - 1 [ I^g-Icm.Txt ] - Inferno Grafitti - 2 [ I^g-Stnd.Txt ] [ Ja!-Eyes.Txt ] - Jedi Arts - 5 [ Ja!-Royl.Txt ] [ Ja!-Tale.Txt ] [ Ja!-Twt.Txt ] [ Kts-Woml.Txt ] [ M'S-Ange.Txt ] - Mo'Soul - 1 [ Milk_Me.Txt ] [ Nds-Fun!.Txt ] [ Oma!Love.Txt ] - Organisation Of Might Hungry Ascii Artists - 2 [ Oma-Sm.Txt ] [ P!-Ep.Txt ] - Protest - 1 [ P^d-Age!.Txt ] - Pioneer Design - 5 [ P^d-Aiyc.Txt ] [ P^d-Tdr!.Txt ] [ P^d-War!.Txt ] [ R_O_Jedi.Txt ] - Jedi Arts - 5 [ Sct-Scs.Txt ] [ Sc_Bigu6.Txt ] - Arclite - 4 [ Sc_Dream.Txt ] [ Se-Leque.Txt ] - Style - 2 [ Se-Love.Txt ] [ Sesame.Txt ] [ Sgr-Dest.Txt ] [ Shl!-Zoo.Txt ] [ Sman-Hf!.Txt ] [ Sms-Td.Txt ] [ Sos-6Yco.Txt ] - Save Our Souls - 2 [ Sos-Mdia.Txt ] [ Stylism1.Txt ] [ Stylism2.Txt ] [ Stylism3.Txt ] [ Us-Col22.Txt ] [ Usx-Eod.Txt ] [ Utot-3Fc.Txt ] [ Wl!-Adip.Txt ] - Whale - 1 [ Xcs-Mnrg.Txt ] [ Xtd-Abs!.Txt ] And that results in the following list of the most active Ascii-Groups; Group Collections ----- ----------- o1. Azkiness - 5 o1. Jedi Arts - 5 o1. Pioneer Design - 5 o1. Twisted - 5 o5. Arclite - 4 o6. Atre - 2 o6. Unique Arts - 2 o6. Divine Stylers - 2 o6. Epsilon Design - 2 o6. Inferno Grafitti - 2 o6 O.m.a. - 2 o6. Style - 2 o6. Save Our Souls - 2 14. Ascii Norge - 1 14. Caustic Style - 1 14. Head - 1 14. Mo'Soul - 1 14. Protest - 1 14. Whale - 1 ---- Total Group Releases = 43 Artists with Release-Lists - -÷--------------------------÷- - A list of most of the artists who in their latest works have included a release-list. So, here they are, the REALLY active ones. Now, I know many have very special thoughts about Quality and Quantity, but you all gotto admit that activity sure is fun. And all Quantity DON'T have to be of less good Quality. The artists who now follows are sure also probably some of the absolute most active, you'll see that for yourself when you see their amount of releases. If I've forgot some productive oldskooler/newbie who should be here then feel free (as always) to update me with the latests facts. And why is then the design of these lists different? Well, all the lists are snapped from the artists lastest collections, and in some cases a bit edited to be as readable as possible (sorry for that guys!) but kept in their original style to please (?) the author. Do notice that this list is very limited, I only included the artists from who I recently had got a collection with any release-facts within. Sorry that I didn't include any new namnes this time, but the guys from Issue 2 were acctually some of the most active, so I just had to update the old names. Hope you who are not here won't get too disapointed now! These are the artists I found lists from in pretty recent released collections; Handle Tag Group Land Amount Size ------ --- ----- ---- ------ ---- 2Fast - 2F - Contra - Ger - 33 - NoIdea! Bytes Behemoth - bHm - Save Our Souls - Swe - 16 - 1.487.77O Bytes C-Real - cRL - Pioneer Design - Swe - 22 - 1.241.139 Bytes Cenobite - ©nb - Epsilon Design - Swe - O8 - NoIdea! Bytes Chrombacher - cRb - Epsilon Design - Swe - 31 - 1.659.76O Bytes Fatal - fTL - Epsilon Design - Swe - 2O - 1.276.O47 Bytes Paszczak - pSh - Azkiness - Pol - 15 - 2.68O.OOO Bytes Ranx - rX - Jedi Arts - Fin - 13 - 596.718 Bytes Relief - rLf - Twisted - Dan - 25 - 2.761.9OO Bytes ScarFace - sCf - Twisted - Hol - O9 - 534.O63 Bytes Slab - $LAß - Save Our Souls - Swe - O7 - 3OO.OOO Bytes Snafu - ÷S÷ - Independent - Fin - 15 - NoIdea! Bytes Tommy - t0! - Epsilon Design - Swe - O5 - 487.O76 Bytes Xcluziwe - xCz - Save Our Souls - Swe - 4O - 5.OOO.OOO Bytes And here they are, the artists; 2Fast - 2F - -÷----------÷- - 1 tRSI-bR1.txt - 12/93 - bLURRED rEALITY 1 2 lNG-bR2.txt - O3/94 - bLURRED rEALITY 2 3 lNG-bR2.txt - O3/94 - bLURRED rEALITY 3 4 aC!-bR4.txt - O7/94 - bLURRED rEALITY 4 5 aC!-aJFA.lha - O8/94 - ...aND jUSTICE fOR aLL 6 aC!-aU.txt - O9/94 - aLMOST uNREAL 7 aC!-mB.txt - O1/95 - mAD bUTCHER 8 aC!-0tI.txt - O1/95 - cHAOS aD - tHE iNTRO 9 aC!-1bI.txt - O1/95 - cHAOS aD - bIOtECH 10 aC!-2bF.txt - O1/95 - cHAOS aD - bATTLEfIELD 11 aC!-3sD.txt - O1/95 - cHAOS aD - sWEET dREAMS 12 aC!-4bN.txt - O1/95 - cHAOS aD - bACK 2 nATURE 13 aC!-5nM.txt - O1/95 - cHAOS aD - nO mERCY 14 aC!-6dC.txt - O1/95 - cHAOS aD - dA cAPO 15 aC!-iAM.txt - O1/95 - iSRA aL-mAIRAJ 16 aC!-wOA.txt - O1/95 - wIND oF aMNESIA 17 aC!-fR.txt - O2/95 - fUCKIN' rEQUESTS 18 aC!-fTF.txt - O3/95 - fACE tHE fACTS 19 aC!-w2lf.txt - O5/95 - wHO wANTS 2 lIVE fOREVER 20 aC!-zT.txt - O5/95 - zERO tOLERANCE 21 aC!-wYA.txt - O5/95 - wIPE yOUR aSS 22 aC!-hAI.txt - O6/95 - hARLEYS aND iNDIANS 23 aC!-bMF.txt - O6/95 - bATMAN fOREVER - tHE lAST bATTLE 24 aC!-bR5.txt - O7/95 - bLURRED rEALITY 5 25 aC!-uSS.txt - O7/95 - uNDER tHE sAME sUN 26 aC!-bE1O.lha - O7/95 - bRILLIANCE bBS-sTYLE V1.O (UNREG.) 27 2F!-aU2.txt - O8/95 - aLMOST uNREAL 2 - sAGA cONTINUES 28 2F-nBA.txt - O9/95 - nO bITCHIN' aLLOWED 29 2F-tFC.txt - 1O/95 - tHY fLESH cONSUMED 30 C!-tD.txt - 11/95 - tOUCHdOWN 31 C!-sEVEN.txt - 12/95 - sEVEN 32 C!-hOH.lha - O1/96 - hEAD oVER hEALS 33 C!-wDFY.txt - O1/96 - wOULD dIE fOR yOU _ _______________________________________________________________________ _ Behemoth - bHm - -÷--------------÷- - .............................................................................. : : : 001 ASC²-bHm.txt Shittiest Of Them All Volume 1 Aug '93 44377 : : 002 bHm^sKZ.txt Stockholm 1958 Nov '94 175439 : : 003 LED-LGM3.txt Little Green Men Apr '95 175621 : : 004 bHm-RAW!.txt Requested Ambient Works Jun '95 25000 : : 005 bHm-Tarm.txt Tolvfingertarm Jun '95 40000 : : 006 bHm-Morg.txt Morgenstemning Jun '95 20000 : : 007 LED-Sju!.txt Siete Jun '95 30000 : : 008 LED-RAW2.txt Björk - Requested Ambient Works Two Jun '95 30000 : : 009 [d]-Frnd.txt Friends - The Friendly Collection Aug '95 55555 : : 010 sOS-RAW3.txt Undoubted Fantasy - R.A.W. Three Sep '95 100000 : : 011 sOS-BTME.txt Beyond - The Mind's Eye Sep '95 87878 : : 012 sOS-rMDY.txt Remedy - The Coop Collection Oct '95 214000 : : 013 sOS-AWH.txt Are We Here? Oct '95 100000 : : 014 sOS-LOVE.txt Love - Requested Ambient Works Four Nov '95 135500 : : 015 sOS-HAPY.txt Take Away My Happiness Jan '96 254400 : : 016 sOS-oLDS.txt Old Skool Feb '96 S00N : : Total: 1487770 : : Average collection size: 99185 : :............................................................................: C-Real - cRL - -÷------------÷- - o1 -> re-asco1.txt -> o22856 -> o7/o7/95 -> real mystory................ o1 o2 -> re-asco2.txt -> o34138 -> 12/o7/95 -> real pleasure............... o2 o3 -> re-asco3.txt -> o44556 -> 22/o7/95 -> is this really real......... o3 o4 -> re-asco4.txt -> o2357o -> 24/o7/95 -> real personalities.......... o4 o5 -> re-asco5.txt -> o31884 -> 31/o7/95 -> plainful memories vol 1..... o5 o6 -> pls-dott.txt -> o38454 -> o3/o8/95 -> dotties place............... o6 o7 -> pls-hof!.txt -> o42444 -> 11/o8/95 -> hall of fame................ o7 o8 -> p^d-sis!.txt -> o45ooo -> 23/o8/95 -> surviving in scene.......... o8 o9 -> p^d-kmw!.txt -> o3o9oo -> 31/o8/95 -> keeping my word............. o9 1o -> p^d-jlal.txt -> o7oooo -> 1o/o9/95 -> just like a legend.......... 1o 11 -> p^d-atsc.txt -> o47134 -> 1o/o9/95 -> and the story continues..... 11 12 -> p^d-mdm!.txt -> o8882o -> o9/1o/95 -> million dollar mouth........ 12 13 -> nds-diat.txt -> o856o7 -> 31/1o/95 -> deserted islands & tequila.. 13 14 -> p^d-!ts!.txt -> o6oooo -> o6/11/95 -> the sign.................... 14 15 -> nds-tmts.txt -> o75674 -> 17/11/95 -> t minus 12 seconds.......... 15 16 -> p^d-acac.txt -> o53o2o -> 24/12/95 -> a competitive art-collection 16 17 -> p^d-jawa.txt -> o595oo -> o5/o1/96 -> jamie walters............... 17 18 -> p^d-mis!.txt -> o76138 -> o7/o1/96 -> made in sweden.............. 18 19 -> elt-wtfc.txt -> o4oooo -> 24/o1/96 -> who the fuck cares.......... 19 2o -> p^d-age!.txt -> 15oooo -> 24/o1/96 -> ascii goes elite............ 2o 21 -> p^d-tdr!.txt -> o87ooo -> 16/o2/96 -> trebbiano di romagna........ 21 22 -> p^d-aiyc.txt -> o34444 -> 16/o2/96 -> as if you cared............. 22 _ _______________________________________________________________________ _ Cenobite - ©nb - -÷--------------÷- - ========================================================================== o1. BNO-HBH.TXT - HELLBOUND hEART o2. CNB-NTG.TXT - NOTH¡NG o3. CNB-SSH.TXT - SURE SHOT o4. CNB-SCH.TXT - SCHRAUBENSCHLÜSSEL! o5. E^D-SH2.TXT - SURE SHOT PART DEUX o6. E^D-BLC.TXT - BLACK CELEBRAT¡ON o7. E^D-MST.TXT - MAELSTROM o8. E^D-TND.LHA - THE END =========================================================================== Chrombacher - cRb - -÷-----------------÷- - _________________________________________________ | | | CRB_ACOLL.TXT 17687 -93 | 1 | CRBCOLL2.TXT 44000 -94 | 2 | CRBCOLL3.TXT 48000 -94 | 3 | CRBCOLL4.TXT 52000 -94 | 4 | MIGHTBE.TXT 120000 -94 | 5 | CRB^BDZ.txt 28000 -94 | 6 | CRBCOLL6.TXT 60000 -94 | 7 | CRBCOLL7.TXT 55000 -94 | 8 | CRB^A2G.TXT 25000 -94 | 9 | CRBCOLL8.TXT 66666 -94 | 0 | CRB^TRiB.TXT 37000 -94 | 1 | CRB^SML.TXT 26000 -94 | 2 | CRBCOLL9.TXT 56000 -94 | 3 | CRB^SWE.TXT 160000 -94 | 4 | CRBCOLL5.TXT 60000 -94 | 5 | CRB^C2.TXT 9020 -94 | 6 | CRB^NCF.TXT 65000 -94 | 7 | CRB^GNR.TXT 40000 -95 | 8 | E^D-PREV.TXT 11111 -95 | 9 | E^D-MAJS.TXT 70000 -95 | 0 | E^D-NAJS.TXT 80000 -95 | 1 | E^D-NAME.TXT 50000 -95 | 2 | E^D-JOF.TXT 68000 -95 | 3 | E^D-PAL.TXT 63000 -95 | 4 | E^D-2M.TXT 30000 -95 | 5 | E^D-III.TXT 5555 -95 | 6 | E^D-CYP.TXT 70000 -95 | 7 | E^D-P9OS.TXT 30600 -95 | 8 | E^D-SI!.TXT 212121 -95 | 9 |_______ E^D-DUH!.TXT 6000 -95 ________| 0 E^D-HEAD.TXT 56000 -96 1 Total: 1659760 Bytes _ _______________________________________________________________________ _ Fatal - fTL - -÷-----------÷- - [ 23.06.94 ] [ ED^FATAL.TXT ] [ 68000 ] [ Water Melon ] [ 19.07.94 ] [ ED^CLIP1.TXT ] [ 22222 ] [ Ae Clipart Issue 1 ] [ 02.08.94 ] [ BHS^FTL.TXT ] [ 20000 ] [ Black Hole Sun ] [ 18.09.94 ] [ ED^USA.TXT ] [308500 ] [ Usa Bbs List ] [ 14.11.94 ] [ ED^MSIA.TXT ] [ 23777 ] [ My Squash Is Alive ] [ 23.12.94 ] [ XMAS^FTL.TXT ] [ 12222 ] [ Christmas Greetings ] [ 08.02.95 ] [ ED^FC.TXT ] [ 64646 ] [ Fatal Conspiracy ] [ 01.03.95 ] [ ED^PREV.TXT ]*[ 11111 ] [ Majs Ist Najs - Preview ] [ 02.03.95 ] [ ED^MAJS.TXT ]*[ 70000 ] [ Majs Ist Najs ] [ 11.04.95 ] [ E^D-TEJP.TXT ]*[ 69000 ] [ Tejp ] [ 17.04.95 ] [ E^D-NAJS.TXT ]*[ 80000 ] [ Majs Ist Najser ] [ 19.04.95 ] [ E^D-HATE.TXT ] [ 50000 ] [ Hate Breeds Hate ] [ 03.05.95 ] [ E^D-KING.TXT ] [ 54000 ] [ King For A Day, Fool For A Lifetime ] [ 28.05.95 ] [ E^D-STEP.TXT ] [ 90000 ] [ Another Step ] [ 29.10.95 ] [ HARD!WRD.TXT ]*[ 72666 ] [ Hardwired ] [ ??.11.95 ] [ E^D-P9OS.TXT ]*[ 30600 ] [ Plan 9 From Outer Space ] [ 14.12.95 ] [ E^D-RCOW.TXT ] [ 83000 ] [ The Radioactive Cow ] [ 04.01.96 ] [ GC_LTF.TXT ]*[ 15000 ] [ Haresis ] [ 10.01.96 ] [ E^D-TWWB.TXT ] [111303 ] [ The World Will Burn ] [ 23.02.96 ] [ UTOT-3FC.TXT ]*[ 20000 ] [ Haresis Walks Again ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- No. Of Collections [ 020 ] - Grandtotal [ 1276047 ] - Active Since [ 23.06.94 ] _ _______________________________________________________________________ _ Paszczak - pSh - -÷--------------÷- - OBSDR098.LHA 26k 29-03-95 - Dreams & Art 1st OBS-NSLA.LHA 18k 15-04-95 - Noiseless Ascii 2nd OBS-SCRM.LHA 28k 20-07-95 - Scream 3rd OBS-SMRT.LHA 36k 15-09-95 - Summer Time '95 4th AZK-DDM5.TXT 136k 11-11-95 - Deadly Dangerous 5th AZK-PPP6.TXT 214k 18-11-95 - Perky Punchy Peppy 6th AZK-NNTD.TXT 253k 01-12-95 - No Need To Cry 7th AZK-WICK.TXT 331k 12-12-95 - Wicked Sensation 8th AZK-ONLN.TXT 57k 20-12-95 - Online Experience 9th AZK-FAME.TXT 254k 25-12-95 - Fame And Fortune 10th AZK-GR8C.TXT 187k 27-12-95 - Great Coalition 11th AZK-COTT.TXT 110k 17-01-96 - In The Land Of... 12th AZK-40GA.TXT 156k 18-01-96 - 40 Gangstas 13th AZK-DOOW.TXT 322k 25-01-96 - Doowutchalike 14th AZK-ILUV.TXT 80k 14-01-96 - I Love Dixie 15th ----- total : 2.680k of *PURE* ascii files (1127 of logos) _ _______________________________________________________________________ _ Ranx - rX - -÷----------÷- - #1 Back in '92 Don't even remember the names of these.. #2 Back in '93 #3 Back in '94 #4 33HUMPPA.TXT 106821 Pistepirkko Featuring Maxims Humppaa tai kuole #5 ENCH_RNX.5TH 82437 Enchanted Star Shines Innovative #6 AOS!_RNX.6TH 24489 The Art of Sketch #7 NOON_RNX.TXT 28083 Bitter Noon #8 PASS-RNX.TXT 47521 The Passion Of Ranx/Jedi^Arts! #9 TDF-RNX .TXT 45831 To Die For 10 FWWM-RNX.TXT 60100 Fire Walk With Me 11 WT-RNX .TXT 55139 Winter Tears 12 MARIA .TXT 47818 Maria 13 JA!-TWT .TXT 98479 Time will tell. _ _______________________________________________________________________ _ Relief - rLf - -÷------------÷- - O1 WEEDF.TXT 203776 ???????? Weed face O2 THE-ADDI.TXT ?????? ???????? The Addict O3 FLUSH.TXT 92876 12-28-94 Flush O4 TLL-F240.LHA 211443 02-12-95 Flush Part 2 O5 OS!-TRAI.TXT 40896 08-15-95 Trailor O6 OS!-TRIP.TXT 56991 07-28-95 Trip O7 OS!-BBS.LHA 276131 09-02-95 Bbs Guf O8 OS!-TRI2.TXT 70518 09-06-95 Trip Part 2 O9 OS!-DOP.TXT 64544 09-14-95 Dope on Plastic 1O OS!-DOP2.TXT 47107 09-16-95 Dope on Plastic Part 2 11 OS!-DOP3.TXT 78162 10-05-95 Dope on Plastic Part 3 12 OS!-DOP4.TXT 81715 10-15-95 Dope on Plastic Part 4 13 OS!-DOP5.TXT 91227 10-29-95 Dope on Plastic Part 5 14 -T-SATC.TXT 106518 11-11-95 Shadow at Voodoo Creek 15 -T-SATC2.TXT 122307 11-19-95 Shadow at Voodoo Creek 2 16 -T-EXP.TXT 52560 11-24-95 Experimental 17 -T-EXP2.TXT 115457 11-30-95 Experimental Part 2 18 -T-RAP.TXT 234679 12-02-95 Real Artistic Personality 19 -T-EXP3.TXT 122222 12-09-95 Shadow At Voodoo Creek 3 2O -T-ACDMK.TXT 129496 12-12-95 Acid Monkey 21 -T-MINI.TXT 30345 12-25-95 Mini 22 -T-T^.TXT 72429 01-09-96 Trivial 23 -T-DOP6.TXT 48217 01-20-96 Dope on Plastic Part 6 24 -BLDN.TXT 183122 01-23-96 I'm Bold and hes Not 25 -T-TATFD.TXT 270000 02-17-96 These are the final days iN aLL = 2761900 bYTES _ _______________________________________________________________________ _ ScarFace - sCf - -÷--------------÷- - Item 1: os!-21st.txt Size 33.532 21st Birthday Collection Item 2: os!-eotw.txt Size 68.450 End Of The World Item 3: os!-feos.txt Size 49.917 Frayed Ends Of Sanity Item 4: os!-inc.txt Size 60.397 Incarcerated Item 5: os!-isbm.txt Size 50.485 It Should've Been Me Item 6: os!-n&d.txt Size 33.650 A Nightmare To Some, A Dream To Others Item 7: os!-tsnb.txt Size 69.330 The Thing That Should Not Be Item 8: os!-wstd.txt Size 34.522 Wasted Time Item 9: -t!-lfsq.txt Size 133780 Live From San Quentin _ _______________________________________________________________________ _ Slab - $LAß - -÷-----------÷- - _ __:__ ¦ 1st _ dzain-ya.txt _ (95.o4.28 - 18.oO.Oo) 17Ooo bytes _ ts1 | 2nd _ dzain-2!.txt _ (95.o5.o8 - 18.oO.Oo) 46Ooo bytes _ dn2 | 3rd _ dzain-ym.txt _ (95.o5.3o - 22.oO.Oo) 47Ooo bytes _ dr3 | 4th _ sos-gimi.txt _ (95.o8.16 - 2o.oO.Oo) 25Ooo bytes _ ht4 | 5th _ sos-calm.txt _ (95.11.o2 - 24.oO.Oo) 73Ooo bytes _ ht5 | 6nd _ sos-tsty.txt _ (95.12.25 - o2.oO.Oo) 44Ooo bytes _ dn6 . _ __|_ 7th _ sos-6yco.txt _ (96.o2.24 - o4.oO.Oo) 24Ooo bytes _ ht7 . ¦ _ __ ___¦_ · | · _ _______________________________________________________________________ _ Snafu - ÷S÷ - -÷-----------÷- - 01 SnAfU^MA.TXT 02 SnAfU^SH.TXT 03 SnAfUALV.TXT 04 FNC-FS01.LHA 05 S-BU262C.LHA 06 SnAfU!BA.TXT 07 S!-FFC10.LHA 08 S!-OWOR!.TXT 09 S!-FFC11.LHA 10 S!-FS11.LHA 11 S!-NSFM!.TXT 12 S!-F&S12.LHA 13 S!-VC83C.LHA 14 OTL-DDF1.LHA 15 S!-HUORA.TXT _ _______________________________________________________________________ _ Tommy - t0! - -÷-----------÷- - .----------------------.----------------.----------.----------.------------. | | | | | | | S.P.O.C.K | T0!-NR01.TXT | 52587 | 2001 | 07-16-95 | | Hiroshima | T0!-NR02.TXT | 40876 | 955 | 08-06-95 | | Freebie | OS!-T0!3.TXT | 107978 | 2111 | 09-17-95 | | No Cashflow | os!-t0!4.txt | 149920 | 3187 | 10-29-95 | | Spank Me | e^d-t0!5.txt | 135715 | 3186 | 12-23-95 | | | | | | | `----------------------^----------------^----------^----------^------------' Xcluziwe - xCz - -÷--------------÷- - o1 xCz-wZy!.tXt - Woozy Coolection - 93.06.07 - 28000b o2 xCz-LLA!.tXt - Long Live The AscII Coolection - 93.09.09 - 234000b o3 xCz-iWtD.tXt - I Want To Draw Coolection - 93.11.23 - 20000b o4 xCz-cOOL.tXt - Message #1 Coolection - 94.01.19 - 100000b o5 xCz-cOL2.tXt - Message #2 Coolection - 94.01.28 - 10000b o6 xCz-FtU!.tXt - Fatal Unity Coolection - 94.05.05 - 53393b o7 xCz-pHq!.tXt - Phq/Fuck Coolection - 94.12.15 - 114000b o8 dDS-xCz!.tXt - Dd·Style Coolection - 94.12.31 - 133000b o9 xCz-bBs!.tXt - Asc1+¹ Adventure Triology 1 - 95.02.09 - 73000b 1o xCz-aHa!.tXt - Asc1+¹ Adventure Triology 2 - 95.02.09 - 86000b 11 xCz-rEq!.tXt - Asc1+¹ Adventure Triology 3 - 95.02.09 - 136000b 12 xCz-rML!.tXt - Read My Lips Coolection - 95.03.12 - 150000b 13 xCz-sELf.tXt - Selfish Coolection - 95.03.15 - 63000b 14 xCz->hB<.tXt - Hard Fuckin' Boiled Coolection - 95.04.11 - 155000b 15 xCz-mEN!.tXt - Asc1+¹^Men Pack Coolection - 95.04.12 - 119000b 16 xCz-pTC!.tXt - Pathetic!? Coolection - 95.04.29 - 71000b 17 xCz-mASc.tXt - Mortal Asc1+¹ Coolection - 95 06.10 - 150000b 18 xCz-kAA2.tXt - Kick Ass AscII Coolection - 95.06.10 - 103000b 19 xCz-oUt!.tXt - School's Out Coolection - 95.06.25 - 130000b 2o xCz-2mEG.tXt - 2 Fucking Meg's Coolection - 95.06.26 - 4607b 21 [d]-uDi!.tXt - U deserve it Coolection - 95.07.19 - 136000b 22 [d]-bTL!.tXt - Breaking the Law Coolection - 95.07.19 - 50000b 23 [d]-sOLo.tXt - The Solution Coolection - 95.07.25 - 41000b 24 [d]-bBiZ.tXt - Big Business Coolection - 95.08.01 - 80000b 25 sOS-dZAN.tXt - Dzain Coolection - 95.08.20 - 138000b 26 sOS-mEN2.tXt - Asc1+¹^Men Pack 2 Coolection - 95.08.27 - 138000b 27 sOS-eQL!.tXt - Equal Coolection - 95.08.27 - 100000b 28 sOS-mEN3.tXt - Asc1+¹^Men Pack 3 Coolection - 95.08.28 - 163000b 29 sOS-wD95.tXt - Windoze 95 Coolection - 95.09.07 - 120000b 3o sOS-aB2M.tXt - A Better Tomorrow Coolection - 95.09.17 - 200000b 31 sOS-tTL!.tXt - Total Coolection - 95.09.18 - 120000b 32 sOS-rMDY.tXt - Remedy Party Coop Coolection - 95.10.07 - 214000b 33 sOS-mKSA.tXt - Moksha Coolection - 95.10.19 - 119000b 34 sOS-oTRE.tXt - Outhere Coolection - 95.11.01 - 203000b 35 sOS-uPL!.tXt - Un Poco Loco Coolection - 95.11.13 - 136000b 36 sOS-nADA.tXt - Nothing Coolection - 95.11.27 - 126000b 37 sOS-mEN4.tXt - Asc1+¹^Men Pack 4 Coolection - 95.12.03 - 260000b 38 sOS-hWGA.tXt - Here We Go Again Coolection - 95.12.21 - 137000b 39 sOS-mEN5.tXt - A Year Of Ascii / Asc1+¹^Men 5 - 95.12.31 - 112000b 4o sOS-mDIA.tXt - Media Coolection - 96.02.15 - 474000b -- ------------ - ------------------------------ - -------- - ------- 4O cOOLECTiONS! - Fourty Coolections! - 2y.8m.8d 5000000b Average: 125000b / Coolection! Transport Problems - -÷----------------÷- - Just some facts about the ever so hard transport of ascii. There aint only the annoying Roadhogz-convertion that messes up with the ascii, there also is several other 'bugs'. This is something that probably the file-checkers at all the /X systems are quite responsable for. The symptoms are; · A double edit of the collection, one after the other. · A mix-up with a Lha-file, right after the collections end. · A mix-up with a Dms-file, right after the collections end. Yes, I've seen 880k large collections that wasn't nothing but a non-working Dms-file. · Pc - Amiga-convertions still exist and messes up with more Ctrl-M chars at every end of the lines. Hint - Read them with PPMore, it will disable the Ctrl-M's. Sadly enough wont DeHog v1.0 work on Ctrl-M's, though it claims to. · And  -signs ( // ) at some odd places in mostly german collections. · And also other fuck-up's do exist, I bet you've all seen them sometime. So, now the problem, what should we do about this? As far as I know is this quite a problem since noone really seems to know by who, why and where it all happens. Artists or Artist? - -÷------------------÷- - Just a thought. I wonder if there really are as many artists as we believe. Some recent rumours tells about how several facts confirm that perhaps (nothing admitted yet) there could be one and same person behind some artists handles. As this aint nothing that is proved can't we tell all the facts behind, but the things that made A.G. wonder are, among others: · Same unknowns Bbs's where the collections from the dual-authors all appear first. · Strange identical signs at the same very odd places. · Same types of styles. Though it aint impossible to see that the author has tried to hide it. · Some are acctually of the same more or less recently created groups. · Same Bbs-travelling for all the dual-authors collections. · Same supporting ascii from their 'Twin' appear in all their collections. But nothing is 100% sure. So don't take this so serious. It is perhaps only speculations. Ascii-Magazines with problems - -÷-----------------------------÷- - The upcoming Ascii-Magazines that in the latest issue were revieled will perhaps not appear as soon as it first looked. The secret project is still not really started, though it not is so very secret anymore (collections could reveal more than you think). But the norweigan Guide-magazine which was told to come this spring is hopefully on it's way. The other projects, including the ST-ascii-part where I was supposed to work as editor, hasn't given any signs of life either. The ArtMag isn't available either, though Satans Fire promised that 'it wouldn't be any more delayed double-productions, it would be relased every single month'. If someone could contact sF! and ask what's going on, don't hesitate. Where is he anyway? So as it seems now there won't be anything at all to replace the Ascii-Gazette after this issue. So I really hope that atleast one of these projects will be more active in the future, because with so many great artists and collections can't we just be without a decent Ascii-Magazine. The Ascii-Gazette so far - -÷------------------------÷- - Here we are, ready for an own history-part for the Gazette. As noone could have missed are there three numbers floating around, and this is a little fact-part of what you should search for when you like to get the complete pack of Ascii-Gazette releases. Now I could only hope that someone out there likes to continue this list and make the Gazette live. Do, do, do contact me right now. _ __ __ _ \\\_\----^------------------------^----/_/// ¦ ¦ Name: xCz-aGZ1.LHA l_ A s c i i - G a z e t t e l Size: 155591 bytes \/ /\ Date: 12'th of Dec '95. | - --( Issue Number 1 )-- - ¯T | | | No, you really don't wanna miss this. | ¦_ __ __ _¦ ///_/-------------------( © xCz'95 )---\_\\\ _ __ _________________________________________________________________ __ _ _ __ __ _ \\\_\----^---÷---------------------^-÷-/_/// ¦¯ ¯¦ Name: xCz-aGZ2.LHA l_ A s c i i - G a z e t t e l Size: 300599 bytes \/ /\ Date: 21'th of Jan '96. ¡ - --( Issue Number 2 )-- - ¯T | | ¦ Are U sure U do know what U are doing? ¦ :_ __ __ _: ///_(----÷-----------( © xCz'95/96 )---)_\\\ _ __ _________________________________________________________________ __ _ _ __ __ _ \\\_\----^---÷---------------------^-÷-/_/// ¦¯ ¯¦ Name: xCz-aGZ3.LHA l_ A s c i i - G a z e t t e l Size: 290213 bytes \/ /\ Date: 25'th of Feb '96. ¡ - --( Issue Number 3 )-- - ¯T | | ¦ I Know U Don't Believe It. But It's True ¦ :_ __ __ _: ///_(----÷--------------( © xCz'96 )---)_\\\ _ __ _________________________________________________________________ __ _ ____________________ __\ ________________ /_____ ____ __ _ __ ____ ______________________ ____\ /_______)(____) (__) (_) O (__\\___\\___________________ /__ yOU R rEADiN /____ ------------ __________ ____________ ___ ___ ____________ _/ ______/___ ./ ________/__ _(___). _(___). / ¬\\_________ ¬\| \| ¬\./ ¬|/ ¬| / ____/\ \ \. | | | | | / \____________\ |____|_____|__________|_______|_______| /______/ |___________| . . .......... .. . _:_|_._____________ :::· _:_|_:___________ /__________________ ______ __ _::_________ : | · /___________________( iSSUE nUMBER 3 )_____(__)__:_______ /____ ____________________________ . /______ ._\ /_. ... ___|________ _____|________ __________ ........ : : ./ _________/__ ____________\___ / _____/__ : ... :.: : | \_____ ¬\./ ¬\ / _.___/___ ________/__ :.: : ... :. | |/ | ____/\ \ \| ¬\. \| ¬\. ..:.:.:.. fTL_____|________| \____________\_____| |__| | . .: :.: :.: | /______/ ____|_.|________|__|__________|__________ | ./ ¬|____ ./ ¬|_____ ./ _____/__ | mADE bY: | _____/___| ______/_|_ ________/__ | | \| ¬\. \| ¬\. \| ¬\. | xCLUZIWE / sOS |_______| |______| |__| | | | |________| |_________| |_________eD |_ iN fEBRUARY 1996 _| /__________________ /\_______\ \/ A new Editor? - -÷-------------÷- - As I told in the Info-Part was this issue only released because I updated my status-files all the time since issue 2. Now, I won't be doing this in the future, and that's why I'd like you to read this carefully. As I resign, I'd like to give an offer to all you readers out there. If you really like this Ascii-magazine, and wouldn't like to see it vanish, you're welcome to take the duty as the new editor. This could ONLY be done with my approvement, and therefor you will have to contact me first. It ain't that hard to produce the Ascii-Gazette, if you start with the already made earlier issues. Just update the status-files every time you see and read a new collection and store the collections that you download in a seperate directory and you'll soon have the next issue of the Gazette. And of cause is it only to ask me if you wonder anything. Before you contact me though, remember that I would not like to see the leadership of the Gazette taken by a Group. It should be one or more private artists (I guess artists are the best Ascii-editors, or?) who won't release the Ascii-Gazette under any special lables. But don't hesitate to contact me now, it would be wonderful if the Gazette could live on for a while. About O.m.a. - -÷------------÷- - OMA - Founded in Jan' of 96 by HausFrau/Ils and AdON... Just a little but wonderful connection... This is NOT another "SomeNewComersComeTo- getherInTheNewAndBestGroupEver" but just fun... Thanks for thoose facts Adon, the A.G. truly wishes you good luck with your new group. Talking about neew groups, isn't it fun to see how it under less than 8 months has been an increase of ascii-groups with more than 400%. I don't know if this is something good or bad, but it sure is happening anyway. Groups Active - -÷-------------÷- - These are instead the active groups of today. With the members as they are situated today. And about Divine Stylers and Grotesticle, they are the only groups that aint 100% Ascii-groups, but I included them anyway, since they have members who releases for them as they were ordinary Ascii-groups. And if there are artists who appear on more than one place, thats only because they are about to change group or simply are accepted as artists in more than one clan. As I've never heard of some of these groups members, I can't possible know their tags, so these few tags are written with a ' ° ' infront of them, to make you aware of this. I only made a few guesses to these names. Arclite: Exocet, Gem/GreenEyedMonster, Karma, Sy-Klone, Danzig, Hijack (÷e÷) (gEm) (kRm) (SyK) (dZG) (hJ) Mogue, ShapeChanger, U-Man (Mo!) (sc) (uMn) Art: Red Skin, Enforcer, Rat, Rotox, Fckw, Rip, Mazza (rS!) (eNf) (rAt) (rTx) (fCKW) (RiP!) (mAZ) Arte: (rip) ArtCore: (rip) Atre: Drakar, Gozz, Homicide, Nup, Zack (dK!) (gZ!) (hMC) (nUp) (zACk) Azkiness: Paszczak, Splatter, Soxius, Dave, Draw, The Founder (©pSh) (SpL@®) (sox) (ÐÅ!) (dRAw) (tF!) Contra: H2o, 2fast, Mess, Stylez, Rapid, Stratos, Treach, Jack Danielz (H2o) (2F) (mSs) (sYz) (rpd!) (st!) (-tre!) (-jD!) Castle of Illusion: Perplexer, Bhudda, Xxxxx, Jesse James, Marwin, Para (ppX) (bUdd) ( !) (-J.J-) (mVn!) (PARA) Virus (-i-) Caustic Style: Zaphod, Flite, Sma1, Satans Fire, Starlight (zd!) (÷f!÷) (sMA) (sF!) °(sL!) Da Hood: (rip) Destiny: Clone, Rape, D-fekt, Kidney, Snipe, Protec, DeOne (cL!) (rAPe)°(dFkT) (k!d) (s!p) °(pTC) (^d1) Dezign: Desert, Boomer, Skin, Amblin, Red Devil, ShapeChanger (D!) (ßmR) (Sk!n) (aBn!) (rD!) (sc) Digital Grafitti: Zorro, Mephisto, Bastard (2o!) (m!) (b!d) Divine Stylers: Trivial, Orlingo, Dino, VietCong, Cybergod, Dash (t^) (orl) (dNo) (vC!) (cG!) (dS!) .Matt, Velvet Jones, Krusty (.mA) (©Vj) (yUk) Dzain: (rip) Epsilon Design: Fatal, Harpoon, Frame, Chrombacher, Stash, Crusader, (fTL) (HrP) (fRM) (cRb) (s%) (cDr) Cenobite, Tommy, Grimlock (©nb) (t0!) (g®m) Fine Design: (rip) Fire & Ice: (rip) G^Style: H2o, ShapeChanger, SalOne (H2o)(sc) (sAL1) GroTesticle: Grimlock, Magz, Stratos, Nup, Acid (g®m) (mGz) (st!) (nUp) (acid) Head: Punk, Gangsta (pnk!)(g!) Honey Ascii Div: (rip) House of Style: Nike, Ramon, AxeBlade, WhirlWind, Mortimer Twang, WishBringer (nK) (rN!) (ab) (WhW!) (©Mt) (wB!) Inferno Grafitti: Snuffy, Mute, God (Sn) (mute)°(god) Jedi Arts: Shock G, Ranx, Maxim, Reflex, Hooligan (-sg) (rX) °(mXm) (r!) (hoo) Lingo: (rip) MegaStyle: Aqua, Splash, Lizard, Magz (aQua)°(sPS) (lzd) (mGz) Mo'Soul: Desoto, Mark Ryder/Terminal Silence, Vinzi (dto) (mR!) / (tS) (>vnz) OffSpring: (rip) O.m.a.: Adon, HausFrau (AdN!)(hF!) Pioneer Design: C-Real, Anthrax, Strauss, Tix (cRL) °(aTX) (^sT) (tIX) ProArts: (rip) Protest: Data, Gravedancer (dA!) (gD!) Save Our Souls: Xcluziwe, Slab, Behemoth, Psychic Santa, The Kestrel, (xCz) ($LAß) (bHm) (pSS) (tK!) Czar, Woober, Randy (czar) (wBr) (RandY) SixCrew: (rip) Style: Stezotehic, Zeus, Coco Pops, Quartz, Webster, Repe (sTZ) (zS!) (cp) (None) (·w!) (None) Twisted: HotWire, Tango, Relief, ScarFace, SalOne, Pride, Devistator (HTW) (tGø) ([rLf]) (sCf) (sAL1) (pR!De) (dV$) Unique Arts: Recall, Wedlock, Polo, Drastic, Virtu, Tranziie (RcL) (»WLK) (pO!) (dRS) (v!r) (7Rz) United Ascii Artists: Morph, Relief (M@!) ([rLf]) Unreal: (rip) UpperClass: Metalbasher, Seven M, Kamenski, Oep/OneEyedMonster, Splatt (Mb) (7M) (kAM) (OEP) (SP) Whale: Dartagnan, Misfit, Lord Chaos, Cybergod (-DtN) (-M-) (lc!) (cG!) Wild Style: Cola/Tsar1, Coca/Wowbagger (cOLa)(tsar1)°(cOCa)(wBGR) Other entries: Tz Design & Ascii Norge. These names are the ones I'm not 100% sure if they really are serious 100% Ascii-groups. If you know anything about this, do tell me! If interested, the found members of the groups are hopefully the following: Ascii Norge: Dr.AnalFreser, GabberFrog, Snabel-Harry (Dr.AnL) (gFG) °(SH) Tz Design: Zin, Ted (z!)°(tED) Groups History - -÷--------------÷- - Here you could find information about all the Ascii-groups, and which members they have had through all years. Not only the group they are within for the moment, but also all the groups they have visited through the years. Arclite: Exocet, Gem/GreenEyedMonster, Karma, Sy-Klone, Danzig, DerHm/Dhm, Hijack, Mogue, ShapeChanger, U-Man Art: Red Skin, Enforcer, Rat, Rotox, Fckw, Rip, Mazza Arte: Crazy, GraveDancer ArtCore: Mogue, Death Lord, 2Fast, Mr.Vain, Rapid, Stylez, Treach, Tango, U-Man, Manta, H2o, Nike, Perplexer, AxeBlade, Crazy, SalOne, Count Zero Ascii Norge: Dr.AnalFreser, GabberFrog, Snabel-Harry Assault: Psychic Santa, Wedlock, Skize, Krusty, Ångest, Jewel, Cruz, Stash Atre: Drakar, Gozz, Homicide, Nup, Zack Azkiness: Paszczak, Splatter, Soxius, Dave, Draw, The Founder Contra: Mogue, H2o, 2fast, Mess, Stylez, Rapid, Stratos, Treach, Jack Danielz Castle of Illusion: Perplexer, Bhudda, Jesse James, Marvin, Xxxxx, Para Virus Caustic Style: Zaphod, Flite, Sma1, Satans Fire, Starlight Da Hood: Mofo, ? Destiny: Clone, Rape, D-fekt, Kid, Snipe, Protec, Soxius, Drastic Dezign: Rip, Desert, ShapeChanger, Boomer, Skin, Amblin, Red Devil Digital Grafitti: Zorro, Mephisto, Devistator, Bastard Divine Stylers: Mortimer Twang, Trivial, Orlingo, Dino, Tommy, Strauss Cybergod, VietCong, Dash, Matt, Velvet Jones, Krusty DreamPhase: CyberGod, Trazer/Trivial Dzain: Xcluziwe, Slab, Behemoth, Psychic Santa Epsilon Design: Juan, Pace, Frame, Harpoon, Sandman, Terminal Silence, Manta, Mammoth, Dale, Fatal, Chrombacher, Stash, Cenobite, Tommy, Desoto, Crusader, Grimlock Fine Design: VietCong, HotWire Fire & Ice: H2o, Dyonisos, Boomer, Mogue G^Style: 911, Red Skin, Godhead, SalOne, H2o, Shapechanger, Danzig GroTesticle: Grimlock, Magz, Stratos, Nup, Acid Head: Punk, Gangsta Honey Ascii Div: Gozz, Misfit, Pad, U-Man, StyleWars, Drakar House of Style: Nike, Mortimer Twang, Ramon, AxeBlade, WhirlWind, Jase, Wishbringer Inferno Grafitti: Snuffy, Mute, God Jedi Arts: Shock G, Ranx, Maxim, Reflex, Hooligan Lingo: 2Fast, Fatal, Cola/Tsar1, Terminal Silence, Chrombacher, Pace, Stash, Buzz Fuzz, Frame MegaStyle: Aqua, Splash, Lizard, Stratos, Magz, Woober Mo'Soul: Desoto, Mark Ryder/Terminal Silence, Vinzi OffSpring: Hotwire, VietCong, ScarFace, Drakar, Homicide, Relief, Pride, SalOne, Jedi, Snuffy, Tommy, Satans Fire, Kid Curry, Tango O.m.a.: Adon, HausFrau Pioneer Design: C-Real, Randy, Nostro, Strauss, Anthrax ProArts: Nup, Stezotehic, Tbm, Skize, Elvis, SalOne, Krusty, Jedi, Zombie, Zeus, Coco Pops, Case, Hijack, Biscrok Protest: Data, Gravedancer, Evilife Save Our Souls: Xcluziwe, Slab, Behemoth, Psychic Santa, The Kestrel, Tommy, Czar, Woober, Randy SixCrew: Stezotehic, Hijack, Kid, Jhh, Dick, EverSlick Style: Stezotehic, Zeus, Coco Pops, Quartz, Kid, Webster, Repe Twisted: HotWire, Tango, Relief, ScarFace, SalOne, Pride, Devistator Tz Design: Zin, Ted Unique Arts: Recall, Wedlock, Polo, Drastic, Vietcong, Virtu, Tranziie United Ascii Artists: Morph, Relief Unreal: Cardinal, Metallikat, Nuerox, Amblin, Skin, Rip, Radar, Red Devil Mascot, Splatt UpperClass: Metalbasher, Seven M, Kamenski, Mazza, OneEyedPirate/OEP, Splatt Whale: Count Zero, U-Man, Misfit, Dartagnan, Acid Kid, Lord Chaos, Tango, Manta, Skize, Nup, Cybergod Wild Style: Cola/Tsar1, Coca/Wowbagger (· x c l u z i w e / s a v e o u r s o u l s ·) _______. ______ _______ ___ ___ _____\_____ l_./ ____/___._\ ____/__.___(__/___.___(__/______ \ ___/ |\_______ | | | | / \__ \|_____l_ l _l_ l _l_ _l_ __/ (____\ g®m (________) (________) (________) (________) _______. ______. _____ ______ __. __. _______ ____\ ___ l_.__\_____l_.___\___ \ _\ ___/__._\ l_____._\ l_____._\ ____/_____ \ \| | ___/ | ______/_\ _/ | __/ | __/ | _/ / \________ _l_ \|____l_ | ___ _l_ l _l_ l _l_ __/ \______) (____\ e^D(_______) (_______) (_______) (_______) (________) (· a s c i i g a z e t t e o o 3 ·) Now Brings You One Of The Most Complete Lists Ever Developed, The List Of All the Artists - -÷---------------÷- - This is, believe it or not, a list of ALL artists (that we've been able to spot), who sometime in their lifes has released something that could be called an Ascii-collection. The names listed below, My gentlemen, are The Artists. Quick key-definition should go like this: - = Artist don't use any tag. And there are only 4 artists who won't use any tag at all. Easy eh? Well, lets go then, 469 Artists. And that means that since the last issue of the Ascii Gazette, released 21/1-96, it has appeared 11 new artists in our beloved Ascii-scene. Please bring us more names, if you know any, by telling about them to xClUZiWe at any board or (for fastest update) at the Ascii Gazette Station, Another Step. By the way, this part of the Ascii-Gazette was done with some help from the sysop himself, Fatal. 2Fast [ 2F ] 610 [ 6¹° ] 911 [ 911 ] Acid Kid [ adk! ] Adon [ AdN! ] Adrock [ aRk ] Afg [ AFG ] Aguila [ -aGA ] Amblin [ aBn! ] Anf [ AnF! ] Antopheles [ -AnT!] A Perfect Craziness [ ApC ] Appomatox [ aptx ] Aqua [ aQua ] Aragon [ arg ] Artic Cat [ AC ] Aryan [ aRYAn] Atlantic [ atl! ] Atom [ AToM ] Axe [ aXe ] Axeblade [ ab ] Axy [ aXY ] B.Cyclo+ [ bC+ ] Baggen [ Bgn ] BashGuard [ BsG ] Bastard [ b!d ] Bc [ BC ] Beavis [ bvs ] Behemoth [ bHm ] Belzebub [ bLZ ] Betty Boy [ bb! ] Bhudda [ bUdd] Bibopp [ b¿b ] Biscrok [ bIS ] Black Dragon [ B.D. ] BlackPanther [ BP ] Blazer [ bZr ] Boheme [ bHe ] Boone [bOONE!] Boomer [ ßmR ] Booth [ Bo ] Booya [ bY! ] Boozo [ bOz ] Breeze [ bRZ ] Btw [ BtW ] Bugge [ bUG ] BuzzWipe [ b!w ] C-Real [ cRL ] Caine [ c ] CaptainCaveman [ [CC] ] Carbon2 [ c2! ] Case [ -cASE] Cateye [ cte ] Caxx [ c% ] CeeJay [ cJ ] Cenobite [ ©nb ] Chrombacher [ cRb ] Cip [ CIP ] Clairvoyant [ (c) ] Clone [ cL! ] Coco Pops [ cp ] Cola [ cOLa ] Cook [ c0ok ] CountDan [ cD! ] CountZero [ c0! ] Crack [ Ck ] Cray [ CRaY ] Crazy [ -cR ] Crocat [CRoCAT] Crusader [ cDr ] Crypth [ CrT ] Cryptor [ cP! ] Cuz [ CuZ ] Cybergod [ cG! ] Cyberkid [ ck! ] CyberPunk [ !cP! ] Cyclone [ cyc! ] Czar [ czar ] Dale [ DaLE ] Danzig [ dZG ] Dartagnan [ -DtN ] Dash [ d! ] Data [ dA! ] Dave [ ÐÅ! ] Daytona [ ©dtA!] Daze [ dAZE ] DDay [ dDay ] DeathLord [ dL! ] Dee [ dee ] Delite [ dLT ] Delta Tx [ dtx ] Demax [ -d- ] DeOne [ ^d1 ] DerHm [ ð ] Desert [ D! ] Desoto [ dto ] DethCrush [ dC! ] Devistator [ dV$ ] Dexter [ Dt ] Dino [ dNo ] Dirk [[DiRK!] Dizy [ dIzY!] Dmd [ dmD! ] Doc [ DoC ] Dos [ dOS ] Dr.AnalFreser [Dr.AnL] Dragon [ dGN! ] Drakar [ dK! ] Drastic [ dRS ] Draw [ dRAw ] Druid [ dRD ] Dual [ (d!) ] Dvize [ DVz ] Dyonisos [ dNSs ] Eagle [ egl ] Easy [ eZY ] ElBruto [ eb ] Elf¡n [ e! ] Elric [ EL? ] Elvis [ ] Enforcer [ eNf ] Epitaphic [ iC ] Everslick [ vsl ] Evrimsson [ evr ] Exciter [ eXC ] Exocet [ ÷e÷ ] Fatal [ fTL ] Fate [ fATE ] Fckw [ fCkW ] Fiddler [ &f ] FireMan [ F M ] Flexor [ fXR ] Flite [ ÷f!÷ ] Flux [ fX ] Foss [ none ] - Frame [ fRM ] Frb [ fRB ] Fred [ fRD ] Funki [ F@nK!] G.d.m. [ gdm ] Gandhi [ ^GdH!] Generator [ GEN ] GodFather [ GoDF!] Godhead [ GdH ] Goonie [ goo ] Gozz [ gZ! ] - GraveDancer [ gD! ] Green Eyed Monster [ gEm ] Grimlock [ g®m ] H2o [ H2o ] Harpoon [ HrP ] Hasslan [ Hsl ] Hausfrau [ hF! ] Hawkwind [ hKWd ] HemligeArne [ HmL ] Hermafrodit-L.K. [ hflk ] Hijack [ ·hJ· ] Hiro Protagonist [ hP! ] Hitech [ H ] Homicide [ hMC ] Hooligan [ hoo ] HotStepper [ HS! ] Hotwire [ HTW ] Ian [ iAN! ] Icarus [ ic! ] IceCube [ ID ] Indie [ ^iN ] Indy [ iNDY ] Inferno [ IfN ] Infusion [ n! ] Insane Madman [ ©imd ] Isaac [ ¡$Ç! ] Iso [ iSø ] Jack Danielz [ -jD! ] Janitor [ jT ] Jase [ J5 ] Java [ jA! ] Jedi [ Jedi ] Jess [^jESS^] Jesse James [ -J.J-] Jewel [ [JWL]] Jhh [ ] Squarepusher [ sQ! ] Stab [ SP! ] Stash [ s% ] Steel [ StEeL] Stevie [ sTV ] Stezotehic [ sTZ! ] Sting [ ] Stone Angel [ sA! ] Storm [ sTORM] Stranger [ STR ] Stratos [ st! ] Strauss [ sT^ ] Strife [ Stf ] Style [ [sT] ] StyleWars [ sTw ] Stylez [ sYz ] Sundance [ sD! ] Sunscream [ SSC! ] SuperTouch [ sT ] Sy-Klone [ SyK! ] Sys [ ·$· ] Tango [ tGø ] Taxi [ tAXi ] Tb-303 [ 3o3 ] Tbm [ tbM ] Terminal Silence [ tS ] Terminator [ tRm ] Tha Grinder [ gr ] The Crow [ ÷tC÷ ] The Founder [ tF! ] The Kestrel [ tK! ] The Player [ Tp! ] The Prophet [ {tp} ] Thurlog [ cla ] Titus [ t¤ ] Tommy [ t0! ] Tony Baretta [ ©tb ] Tranziie [ 7Rz ] Traveller [ ©ron ] Trazer [ tRZ ] Treach [ -tre!] Trifixion [ +TRi-] Trinity [ tRN! ] Trivial [ t^ ] Trooper [ [t] ] Tsar1 [ tsar1] Turbo [ 2rbo ] Tyson [ Tsø ] U-man [ uMn ] Usar [ uSAR ] V-Cut [ V-c! ] Vega [ vG ] Vietcong [ vC! ] Vince [ vNc ] Vinzi [ >vNZ ] Violence [ VLe ] Virtu [ v!r ] Vladimir [ dmD! ] Voltage [ vol ] Vortex [ Vo ] Wacko [ WACKO] Warlock [ wAr ] Wayne [ ] Wea [ WeA ] Webster [ ·w! ] Wedlock [ »WLK ] WhirlWind [ WhW! ] Whitesnake [ WS ] Wishbringer [ wB! ] Woober [ wBr ] Xcluziwe [ xCz ] X-Modus [ x! ] X-Ray [ xRAY ] Xor [ xOr ] Yop [ yop ] Zack [ zACk ] Zagax [ zGx ] Zaphod [ zd! ] Zarkof [ Zf ] Zcandaler [ [Z] ] Zen [ Z=. ] Zenon [ zEnOn] Zeus [ zS! ] ZeuS [ ZeuS ] Zin [ Z! ] Zok [ Z0K ] Zombie [ ZMb ] Zorro [ 2o! ] ZouZou [ zOu ] Zygote [ GoTE ] Ångest [ ånG? ] Artists Joining - -÷---------------÷- - These are the guys who joined groups without leaving any Ascii-group. Tix joined Pioneer Design. Webster joined Style. The Founder joined Azkiness. Artists Leaving - -÷---------------÷- - These are the guys who left a group for another Ascii-group. ShapeChanger left Dezign for Arclite. Leaving the Scene - -÷-----------------÷- - This are the guys who left their groups and also the whole Ascii-Scene. Count Zero will soon leave Whale and the Ascii-Scene. Artists News - -÷------------÷- - Shapechanger is now only within Arclite, and has with new insperation reccently released 2 collections. The group Organisation of Mighthungry Ascii Artists was created by Adon. Count Zero will be back, but only for a single goodbye-collection. A new Multi-color Iff2Ansi (yes, ansi, not ascii) will soon be released by Hijack. Preview pictures are really looking good, something to look out for. Renames - -÷-------÷- - The ones who during their history as Ascii-artists have changed handles. This could be a hard part for a artist, as there is very hard to get an reputation, and when you've got it, to get the crowd to understand that you aint the one you used to be, that could take ages for some. The same problem exist when you change/rename a group. Nurgle ( - ) -> TB-3o3 ( 3o3 ) Note that Nurgle changed his handle when he got into the ascii-buisiness and didn't had any tag before that. Questions - -÷---------÷- - Here they are, the questions that the poor victims have to answer. If you don't remember these are the victims who until now have had to stand up and answer; Fatal - fTL - E^d Desoto - dto - M's Grimlock - g®m - E^d Behemoth - bHm - Sos Mazza - mAZ! - Art Skize - skZ - ex-Wl! Dino - dNo - Ds! Nup - nUp - At! Relief - rLf - -T Vietcong - vC! - Ds! And this is what they had to face; o1. When did you make your first Ascii attempts? o2. Do you know how many Ascii-productions have you released? o3. What's so damn special with Ascii? o4. Have you got any special idols from the Ascii-scene? o5. What's your opinion about the Iff2Ascii-Art? o6. Are dot's more stylish than 'regular' Ascii? o7. Do you read every single collection that is released today? o8. Do you answer requests made to 'All Available Artists' ? o9. How should a request be written to be guarantied a answer from you? 1o. Are there more Ascii-groups than there has to be? 11. What do you think of the attitude in the Ascii-scene of today? 12. What do you think about the idea of having special magazines dedicated to the Ascii-scene? 13. Is there a big difference between Old-skool Ascii and Ascii of today? 14. Have you any special projects going on that will be released in a near future? 15. What would you be doing instead of Ascii if you suddenly quitted? 16. Do you have a horny snoop doggy dogg? Dino - -÷----÷- - _._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._. `-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-' o1. When did you make your first Ascii attempts? Well, I realy don't know.... I have done ascii's for some years.. but at first, I just made some logos for some local boards, and I didn't release many ascii collections at that time.. _._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._. `-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-' o2. Do you know how many Ascii-productions have you released? nope... but in divine stylers I have released something like 6 collys.. _._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._. `-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-' o3. What's so damn special with Ascii? ehh.. like, it's the friendly divine stylers brothers that keep me goin.. _._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._. `-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-' o4. Have you got any special idols from the Ascii-scene? sure I have. (c)Mt, sc, t^, nK, yUk, rX, and all the others with a correct attitude... _._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._. `-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-' o5. What's your opinion about the Iff2Ascii-Art? I think it's damn cool.. (c)Mt's iff2Ascii's is the best, I love his manga bitches! _._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._. `-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-' o6. Are dot's more stylish than 'regular' Ascii? well, it's 2 difrent things.. ascii is one thing.. but dotties/iff2ascii's is another.. when u do a dottie/iff2ascii logo or picture... you have 2 draw it in deluxe paint (or something like that).. and then convert it 2 ascii.. so what you realy do is iff picture art, and convert it.. but, sure, it's nice 2 look at and that what's counts right? _._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._. `-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-' o7. Do you read every single collection that is released today? the ones I get yes!, but I miss alot of collections dowadays.. _._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._. `-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-' o8. Do you answer requests made to 'All Available Artists' ? sometimes, but I like private messages more :) . or to shit chat with someone in #amigascne and get some request's that way. _._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._. `-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-' o9. How should a request be written to be guarantied a answer from you? well, I like when scene brothers contact me on the IRC... or when thay write a nice message 2 me at some board.. _._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._. `-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-' 1o. Are there more Ascii-groups than there has to be? nope, I don't cair.. I respect every ascii group in the scene that feel that thay are doin something for the ascii brothers n' sisters.. _._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._. `-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-' 11. What do you think of the attitude in the Ascii-scene of today? since divine stylers is spreeding the word lUV aroun.. I don't think there is any people in the ascii scene with bad attitude.. ______ ________ ____ ____ _________ / |____./ -- dNo| \/ | --___/___ `-----------'`--------'----------'------------' 2 all ascii brothers! _._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._. `-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-' 12. What do you think about the idea of having special magazines dedicated to the Ascii-scene? it's grate, you are doing a grate job xCz, we all luv ya!! _._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._. `-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-' 13. Is there a big difference between Old-skool Ascii and Ascii of today? sure, but I respect the old-skool style 2... _._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._. `-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-' 14. Have you any special projects going on that will be released in a near future? well, yes.. I'm going 2 release a request ascii collection soon.. contact me at interchange, the IRC (#amigascne), or someother boards.. _._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._. `-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-' 15. What would you be doing instead of Ascii if you suddenly quitted? Continue with my life.. _._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._. `-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-' 16. Do you have a horny snoop doggy dogg? nope, but I'we got a bird that sCREEEAMZZZ! when I talk voice with t^ or (c)Mt _._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._. `-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-' 17. how is it going with your girlfriend? ehh?. well, this is an ascii magazine right?.. well, anyway.. She's still in the USA and I still miss her.. _._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._. `-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-' 18. any other stuff you what 2 tell us? nope.. _._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._. `-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-' 19. what about the dUMp^fUNk procect? well, it's just something me and trivial/dS! is going 2 do.. you'll see.. _._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._. `-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-' 20. when do you think art^mag(tm) is coming? well, looks like.... NEVER! Nup - -÷---÷- - o1. When did you make your first Ascii attempts? ..1992? o2. Do you know how many Ascii-productions have you released? 20+.. i dont put too much attention on those little thingies.. o3. What's so damn special with Ascii? nothing, it sucks o4. Have you got any special idols from the Ascii-scene? yes.. Desoto and Danzig o5. What's your opinion about the Iff2Ascii-Art? dunno.. looks nice evri now and then o6. Are dot's more stylish than 'regular' Ascii? nopes, but are a nice little change.. o7. Do you read every single collection that is released today? NO!.. most of AL! collys and 50% of the rest.. ARCLITE REWLS!:) I should join it:)) o8. Do you answer requests made to 'All Available Artists' ? Not usually.. I usually dont answer any request:) hehe. Im lazy nowadays! o9. How should a request be written to be guarantied a answer from you? no 1o. Are there more Ascii-groups than there has to be? yes.. 80% are plain crap! 11. What do you think of the attitude in the Ascii-scene of today? Hey, daddy bought me a PENTIUm, i want to make lokos! jee!(LAME) 12. What do you think about the idea of having special magazines dedicated to the Ascii-scene? haha.. it would have to be released from someone from the top of the scene.. not from the bottom as usual, then it might work.. 13. Is there a big difference between Old-skool Ascii and Ascii of today? old-skool is nicer.. kinda more quality on those logos.. 14. Have you any special projects going on that will be released in a near future? ..NO.. Or maybe a Coop with slaver, or the one guy from oz.. cant remember his handle.. er.. someone from ,.... He atleast was in whale some time ago.. haha, i cant remember! 15. What would you be doing instead of Ascii if you suddenly quitted? boozing:), coding, screwing around.. dunno. 16. Do you have a horny snoop doggy dogg? no.. But I have one tRAiTOR, and one GRiMLOCK _____________________ (\_________)(_____________l|_______________________)! l Relief - -÷------÷- - o1. When did you make your first Ascii attempts? hum i think it was early '93 noo sure tho o2. Do you know how many Ascii-productions have you released? i think it has reached number 23 o3. What's so damn special with Ascii? uh tuff one! well its funn (some days) its nice to have something creative to do when you dont have any ideas for doing music o4. Have you got any special idols from the Ascii-scene? me and trivial are girlfriends so i guess hes kinda my idol.Tango is my hero i just love him and his styles,desoto is great! and alot of other great guys out there which i would call my idol,but to many to write down o5. What's your opinion about the Iff2Ascii-Art? its cool! i dont use it tho.. o6. Are dot's more stylish than 'regular' Ascii? well it always make this special coolnes look in a logo so guess somehow its more stylish o7. Do you read every single collection that is released today? no way! hate getting those 'my first collection' but i d/l almost every colly which appears on the boards o8. Do you answer requests made to 'All Available Artists' ? i type them down in my request file,but in another section which i only do if i run out for private requests,ofcourse i do them if they are from a friend or so. o9. How should a request be written to be guarantied a answer from you? best thing is ofcourse to send me money,but if one cant do that then,a nice and friendly letter has a good chance and if he types a long ass list then the chances are none 1o. Are there more Ascii-groups than there has to be? uhm...maby just a tad to many 11. What do you think of the attitude in the Ascii-scene of today? moslty it great! great friendship! ofcourse there is some times peeps forget that ther's a life away from the computer 12. What do you think about the idea of having special magazines dedicated to the Ascii-scene? its fucking great! i really hope someone will start a chart again,it makes me motivated at least 13. Is there a big difference between Old-skool Ascii and Ascii of today? well recently a few of the oldschoolers have returned and improved on there style but the oldschoolers have more style/class over their work 14. Have you any special projects going on that will be released in a near future? well i got a few projects going on,but you can read that in d.o.p #6 15. What would you be doing instead of Ascii if you suddenly quitted? i would do much more music and maby i would get more into doing real gfx again 16. Do you have a horny snoop doggy dogg? ofcourse B-D. Vietcong - -÷--------÷- - o1. When did you make your first Ascii attempts? My first attempts were in `92. They sucked. Proper attempts in `94 o2. Do you know how many Ascii-productions have you released? 7 o3. What's so damn special with Ascii? It`s fun. It`s innovating. It`s liberating. o4. Have you got any special idols from the Ascii-scene? Mogue, Stylez, karma, desoto and mark ryder. o5. What's your opinion about the Iff2Ascii-Art? It`s a laugh! o6. Are dot's more stylish than 'regular' Ascii? Sometimes. It usually looks more classy. o7. Do you read every single collection that is released today? I try to. But when i see a file_id from the author that sucks, I don`t leech it. o8. Do you answer requests made to 'All Available Artists' ? Only if someone well-known requests. But only sometimes. o9. How should a request be written to be guarantied a answer from you? With respect. I want to know why they chose me and what the logo is going to be used for. 1o. Are there more Ascii-groups than there has to be? Yes and no. I think there is too many, but it would be unfair for all artists that aren`t in a group. However, newbies are forming groups eveywhere. 11. What do you think of the attitude in the Ascii-scene of today? Quite arrogant. I think more people should be abit more humble. 12. What do you think about the idea of having special magazines dedicated to the Ascii-scene? It`s a great idea. I don`t think very amny people know how big the ascii-scene really is. 13. Is there a big difference between Old-skool Ascii and Ascii of today? Yes. The oldschoolers are greater, but they shouldn`t be so arrogant. 14. Have you any special projects going on that will be released in a near future? I`m bored of my Books of Blood series, so I`m working on something new. Watch out for it within a couple of weeks. 15. What would you be doing instead of Ascii if you suddenly quitted? ohh, good question. I`d maybe keep on trading. 16. Do you have a horny snoop doggy dogg? No way! What an insult. Last Words - -÷----------÷- - You have been watching the text-edition of the Ascii-Gazette. And I thank you for spending time with all these information about what we have choosen to call Ascii. _ _ _ _ _\ \ / /_ _ ___ _\ o . o /_ ___ _ _ ________\\\ ¬\_____) ____ (_____/¯ ///________ _ ¬\__ ¬ __/¯ _ ______\_____ _ ___________ _ ____________ _ _/_ _ ___ _\\\____._ ¬\\\\__________)_\\\____. ¬\_\\\__)_\\\__)_ \_ l/ l______._ \_ l_______/ ! | | _ · | l/ | ! ·/ . | l______| \ .¦|______ .¦|_______ . / .¦| .¦| ©pSh.`----\--' ¬--------' ¬------/'------^------' _ ____ _ ___\_ _ ___ _ _____ _ _____/ _ ____ _ ____ \ .\_____)_.\____ ¬\ __\___¬\.\______)._\ _ /¯|_\ _ ¬\._\_____) / ·\ | /___ ! / \ ______! ___/_| |· | | | ___/_ /· \\ ¬\/ _ · \/~ | \/~ | !---! !---| \/~ // \\\--------^----`---^--------^--------^----' `----' `---^---/// ·\ . · _ _ __ _______ . /· | _¡ i__ i__ _¡ \ _i_ | | | | | \ i___\i___\\ __/ \ __ | | | | l___ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ___! /______________________________________\ The first logo up there (not included in the executable version), were drawn by Anf ( AnF! ). And the second adorable Ascii-Gazette Logo (isn't to be found in the executable version) was made by Fatal ( fTL ). The third logo (neither included in the executable version) was drawn by Grimlock ( g®m ). And the last splendid logo (not in the executable) was done by Paszczak ( pSh ). And don't you dare to only scan through this text-file, look at the executable version to get Ascii-Gazette as it was ment to be. Watch out for all the further ascii-productions from xClUZiWe, and do beware of my return to the editor's world in another magazine. Three new projects are going on right now, though a bit slow, so watch out for more! And don't forget Your chance to become A.G-Editor! / Xcluziwe ( xCz ) of S.o.s.